The Comus Club

The Comus mailing list

This is an electronic mailing list for members of The Comus Club. The purpose of this list is twofold -- to allow the committee to inform you about events and happenings, such as the dinner, and to provide a forum for communication with other members.

You may be familiar with dramsoc-talk and opsoc-talk. This mailing list, also based in college, is intended to act as a similar sort of thing - allowing past members to keep in contact with college and each other, but without having to receive the emails detailing the day to day running of the society.

This is a fairly low volume mailing list, but please feel free to use this list for any communication you feel is of interest to other members.

To send messages to the list, just send an email to

To subscribe to the list, please contact the Hon Sec via the Contact Form.